Why Men Pull Away When Things Get Serious

Why Men Pull Away When Things Get Serious

Why Your Man Pull Away When Things Get Serious

Do you want to know why some men pull away when things get serious? Or, things are getting serious – do you have a problem?

This is a scenario you are probably familiar with.

You meet a guy and start dating. The two of you hit it off really well and you are both very attracted to each other. After dating for a while, things seem to be going great, and then suddenly he seems to be a little bit cold and distant. He may even stop returning your calls and be somewhat difficult to get in touch with. This can be very hurtful and frustrating, especially when things seemed to be going well and getting more serious.

Why does this happen?

On this page I hope to answer some of your questions about why men pull away when things get serious.

Are His Feelings As Strong As Yours?

If things seem to be going great and you’re getting very serious about a guy, it’s possible that he is not quite at the same level that you are. If he senses that you like him a lot more than he likes you, he may want to slow things down before things get too serious. If you have strong feelings for him and he feels like you might be pressuring him to move forward in the relationship, this could actually push him away.

Things Are Getting Serious – But That’s the Problem

If things are beginning to get serious in your relationship, it may not make any sense why a man would pull away. After all, you are both very attracted to each other, and you enjoy each other’s company, why wouldn’t he want to be with you more? Pulling away doesn’t make sense. The thing is that some men are simply not ready for a serious relationship. Some men enjoy being single and they like to date lots of different women.

Even if a man has been dating one woman exclusively, he may not be ready to commit to a serious relationship. So when things get too serious, he pulls away and gets back into the dating scene.

Perhaps You Have Changed

When you first meet a person you are attracted to it is natural to want to put your best foot forward. Some people take the idea of putting your best foot forward to the next level. They actually create a persona that they think the opposite sex will be attracted to. If you were one way in the early stages of dating and you have changed somewhere along the line, this could cause a man to pull away.

If you used to be nice and sweet, but now you nag him about lots of little things, that could push him away. If you used to give him lots of compliments and massage his ego, but now you point out all of his flaws and shortcomings, that could push him away. If a man wakes up one day, looks at you, and wonders what happened to the woman you used to be, he will certainly pull away from the relationship.

He May Just Be Afraid

When a relationship gets more serious there are a lot of things that some men are afraid of. Some men are afraid of commitment because they fear that they will lose their freedom. He might think that he will have to spend all of his free time with you and that he will no longer be able to do some of the things he enjoys doing by himself or with his friends.

Some men are afraid of losing their masculinity. In movies and on television, men in relationships are always portrayed as the guy who holds his wife’s purse while she goes shopping for shoes, or the guy that has to ask his wife’s permission to do everything.

Some men are afraid of a relationship getting too serious because they have been hurt in the past and don’t want to go through that kind of pain again. It doesn’t make much sense that a man would pull away from a good relationship out of fear that it will end because by pulling away he is making it a self fulfilling prophecy. Even though it doesn’t make sense, it happens quite often.

If you want to keep the relationship alive, you’ll have to figure out exactly why your man pulls away, before you can figure out what to do about it. As you can see, there are many reasons why men pull away when things get serious.