Why Do Men Pull Away from Women

Why Do Men Pull Away from Women? – It’s Not Always the Man’s Fault

There are a lot of reasons why a man might pull away from a woman in a relationship.

A lot of times, it has to do with a man’s own issues and insecurities. Being afraid of commitment for example is a very common reason why men pull away.

However, it’s not always the man’s fault. There are a lot of common mistakes that women make in relationships that can actually push men away. If you have been involved in a number of relationships with men who began to withdraw from the relationship at some point, you might ask yourself the question, why do men pull away from women?

If it is a pattern for you, you might want to take a look at the things you are doing to make sure you are not pushing men away.

You’ve Changed

Sometimes a woman will act a certain way in the beginning of a relationship, trying to portray a character that she thinks a man will be attracted to.

Some women are really good at portraying a persona that attracts men. The problem is that eventually the truth will come out. If you have to put on an act to attract a man, there’s a good chance that he will back away from the relationship when he can no longer recognize the woman he’s dating.

Some Women Nag a Little Too Much

Some women like to nag the men they are with. Do this, don’t do that, pick your socks up off the floor, put that dirty dish away etc.

Men don’t like to be nagged and they certainly don’t like to be bossed around. If you get into the habit of nagging your man, you could end up pushing him away.

Don’t Take Away His Privacy

Some women love to snoop for whatever reason. Maybe they are jealous, maybe they’re paranoid, whatever the reason, if you’re snooping around, reading your man’s e-mails, checking his phone logs and text messages, it will be very annoying to your man. It is also a sign that you do not trust him and without trust, a relationship will not work out.

Have Your Own Life and Let Him Have His

It’s great when a couple has common interests and can enjoy doing things together. However, it is also important for men and women to spend a little time apart once in a while.

You should have your own friends, hobbies and other interests, and your man should have his. If you feel like you need to be together every second of every day, it can be overwhelming. If you don’t have your own friends and hobbies, you could seem a little too needy. If you don’t let your man have his own friends and hobbies, he will feel like he is losing his freedom. If he starts feeling smothered, feeling like you are too needy, or feeling like his freedom is disappearing, he will leave.

Never Try to Change a Man

A lot of women make this mistake. They think “my man would be perfect if…” Some women actually believe that if a man loves them, he should be willing to change for her.

From a man’s point of view, if a woman thinks that he needs to change something about himself, it’s the same as saying “you’re not good enough” and nobody wants to hear that. If you need to change certain things about the man you’re with, you don’t really love him, you love this idea of a man that you have in your head. If you don’t love him and he feels like you think he’s not good enough, don’t be surprised when he stops returning your phone calls.

Don’t Be a Drama Queen

All couples will have disagreements at some point and when this happens it’s important to try to communicate in a calm and rational manner.

Some women react in a very irrational manner when they have a disagreement with their boyfriend. Some women seem to thrive in a state of chaos and will create problems when none exist. This is not an ideal situation for a man to be in and most men will not put up with it for very long. Just don’t be a drama queen if you want to keep your man around.