How to Get a Man to Commit

Some men seem to be afraid of commitment. A man and a woman may date for a long time, they may even fall in love, and yet the man still will not propose. He seems to be happy maintaining the status quo and willing to just go on dating forever. A lot of women wonder what they can do about it when they are in that situation. They wonder how to get a man to commit.

Sometimes He Just Needs a Little Space

To get a man to commit you need to be able to identify what is holding him back and then figure out if there is anything you can do to help him want to move forward. There are a lot of reasons why men seem to avoid commitment. They may be afraid of losing their freedom. They may be afraid of losing their identity as an individual. They may have been involved in unhealthy relationships in the past, and that causes them to be afraid of putting themselves out there again. There are plenty of men however that truly want to be in a committed, loving relationship and sometimes you just have to give a man a little bit of space to allow him to fall in love with you.

Some of you may be asking, what do you mean give him the space to fall in love with you? Well, most people always seem to want what they cannot have, it is simply human nature. Some men wonder what it would be like to be with a different woman even if they are happy in their current relationship. If you spend a little bit of time apart, he will get a taste of what it is like when you are not around, and he may not like it. If he decides that he does not like it when you are not around, this may give him the subtle encouragement he needs to make a commitment.

Some men also seem perfectly comfortable just maintaining the status quo as mentioned earlier. If the two of you are always together, and you are happy together, your man may not feel the need to change anything. Why change things if they are going well? It is like the old saying, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

So if, you are trying to figure out how to get a man to commit, one way might be to spend a little less time together. It is okay for the two of you to have your own separate lives in addition to the life you share together. You should have times where you go out with your girlfriends, and he should have times where he goes out with his friends. You should each have your own individual hobbies. It is fantastic to do things together, but it is also vital to be able to enjoy some time by yourself.

There’s another old saying that comes to mind, “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” By spending a little bit of time apart and pursuing your own interests, each of you will be happier and more fulfilled, and each of you will also be eager to see each other again. When you spend a little bit of time apart, you will start to miss each other, and the time you do spend together will be even more memorable. Sometimes, all it takes to get a man to commit is to give him a little bit of space. That will give him some time to figure out how he is feeling, and that may be all it takes to get him to want to take the relationship to the next level.