Why Do Men Pull Away from Relationships

Why Do Men Pull Away from Relationships? – Sometimes the Woman Is to Blame

Why do men pull away from relationships?

A lot of times it is because of the man’s own insecurities or his fear of commitment but it is not always the man’s fault if they pull away from a relationship. The woman can also be engaging in undesirable behavior that is causing the man to pull away from her. Here are some of the things that women do that cause men to pull away from a relationship. If you are doing any of these things, you shouldn’t be surprised if your relationship is going badly.

Not Giving the Man Enough Space

Before they were together, they had their own lives and looked forward to the time they spent together. Once they’re in a relationship, however, the woman suddenly starts putting limits on the guy’s movements, forcing him to go home early, or forbidding him from going out with his friends. Of course, it’s natural that the woman would be concerned that the man might be fooling around on her. But men and women legitimately need some room to themselves in order to thrive as human beings.

Being a Drama Queen

These women are always doing things to get their man’s attention. For example, they’re always whining about something, or asking their man to do something. They’re not content with things just being normal, they always have to stir things up. Even  simple, mundane things can inspire her to go off on a dramatic tangent.

Always Talking about Other Guy

This is a behavior that men and women can display. For example, a woman might always be talking about one of the guys at her office. Why is she doing this? Is she trying to make her guy jealous? Or is she trying to undercut him by showing how this other guy is much better than him, so he’ll feel insecure and she can more easily control him? If a guy thinks that you are trying to play mind games with him, he’s not going to like it.

The Sex Is Boring

There’s really no getting around it – men love sex, and if they don’t get satisfying sex from their girlfriends, they’ll start looking elsewhere. Some of the complaints that men have about sex include always doing it in the same position, lack of enthusiasm and passivity on the part of the woman, and bad technique.

Withholding Sex As a Way of Controlling the Man

Instead of talking over their differences and attempting to resolve them peacefully, the woman simply tells the man she’s not having sex with him. The man then gets mad and before long, they’re not talking to each other. The best way to resolve this relationship problem,  or any relationship problem that matter, is to keep your channels of communication open and be able to communicate with each other as frankly and honestly as possible.

Not Telling Him What She Really Thinks or Feels

Women are supposedly better at reading non-verbal cues and understanding what people really mean apart from what they’re saying. Unfortunately, men don’t have that skill but women think they do and so they sometimes get mad when men misunderstand them. Men, on the other hand, can’t understand why women don’t simply say what they mean.

Changing Personalities When They’re Finally in a Relationship

If you were sexy and funny when you first started dating but then you start nagging your boyfriend and getting irritated about things all the time once you are a couple, a man will pull away because he will be wondering what happened to the woman he was initially attracted to. Some women will portray a character when they are dating, trying to be the woman that they think men are attracted to. Eventually, the truth will come out and if you suddenly change your personality, don’t be surprised if your man pulls away from the relationship.

Constantly Trying to Upstage Him

If you are more educated and/or earn more money than your man, some men will feel insecure about this and start to pull away. However, even if your man can accept the fact that you are more successful and he doesn’t have a problem with it, some women will flaunt it. If you are trying to prove that you are superior to your man or put him in his place, you are pushing him away.

These are just some of the things that women sometimes do that will cause a man to pull away from relationships. Plenty of men have their own fears, insecurities, and issues that cause them to pull away. But if men pulling away from relationships has been a pattern for you, you may want to make sure you are not doing something that is pushing them away.

The next time you find yourself asking, “Why do men pull away from relationships” know this: A lot of times it is because of the man’s own insecurities BUT sometimes the women herself is to blame.