Why Men Pull Away When in Love

Why Men Pull Away When in Love

Why Some Men Pull Away When They Actually Are In Love

Do you want to know why your man may pull away even though he is in love with you? Find out the 3 main reasons this is happening to your man.

If a relationship has soured, it’s easy to understand why a man would pull away. If the woman he is with is constantly nagging him, if she snoops around, checking his e-mails and text messages, if she’s a drama queen that likes to pick fights, these are all easy-to-understand reasons why a man would want to get out of a relationship.

Some men however pull away from a woman that they are falling in love with.

When this happens, it’s a lot more difficult to understand and it can be very confusing and hurtful to a woman. To help take some of the confusion away we are going to talk about why men pull away when in love; what the reasons are that cause a man in love to pull away from the woman he is in love with.

Things Are Too Overwhelming for Him

A lot of men are not very good at dealing with their feelings.

When this type of man falls in love, he will sometimes pull away from the woman he is with because he needs some time and space to assess his feelings and figure out how to handle things. Most of the time in this situation, if you just give your man the space he needs, he will come back once he figures things out.

He may seem a bit cold and distant for a while, he may not return calls or text messages right away, but once he has had a chance to figure things out, he will come back and your relationship will be stronger.

He Doesn’t Want to Get Hurt Again

Even though most guys hate to admit it, men can be very sensitive. If a man has been in love with a woman before and his girlfriend dumped him or cheated on him, it can leave a very deep emotional scar.

If a man has been hurt like this in the past, he may not want to put himself in a position where it could happen again. Some men will actually sabotage their own relationships to avoid the possibility of being hurt again. It seems irrational and doesn’t make a lot of sense but some men would rather break up with a woman they love rather than fall deeper in love only to have her end the relationship.

He’s Afraid of Losing His Freedom

Most men want a woman to share their lives with. However, a lot of men also enjoyed their lives quite a bit the way things were before they met their girlfriend.

Some men are worried that if they get involved in a serious, committed relationship, certain parts of their life will change a little more than they would like. If a man is used to playing basketball with his friends after work or watching football all day long on Sunday, he might be afraid that getting into a serious relationship will mean that he has to give some of those things up. Fear of losing things that are important to him may cause him to pull away from the relationship.

There are many reasons why men pull away when in love.

Most of the reasons boil down to fear of some kind. They might fear losing their freedom, fear getting hurt again, fear losing their own identity, fear losing their masculinity etc. Even just a fear of the unknown might be enough to make a man in love pull away from a relationship.

If your man is pulling away from a relationship you have to figure out what he’s afraid of, and try to help him get past it. Just try to remember the answers that I have given you to your question “why men pull away when in love?”, and it will be much easier for you to figure out what is actually going on.